An anti-abortion protest was staged outside the maternity ward of a Glasgow hospital. 

Hundreds were gathered across the street from the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) on Sunday evening. 

Pro-choice campaign group Back Off Scotland shared an image of the demonstration on their Twitter page to their followers.

In the post, they also called for the resignation of Maree Todd MSP, the Minister for Public Health, Women's Health and Sport. 


The post read: "Currently over 100 anti-abortion protestors outside the maternity ward QEUH in Glasgow.

"The Women's Health Minister @MareeToddMSP needs to resign - this is happening unchallenged on her watch."

We previously reported that Back Off Scotland started 40 days of demonstrations outside the QEUH in a call for protest-free buffer zones to be put in place at abortion clinics. 

Organisers said: "No one should have to face intimidation when they access abortions or any kind of healthcare."