A CARE home resident has taken up a maintenance role at the age of 85.

Joe Cooke is a resident at Norwood Nursing Home in Barrhead along with his wife Amy and likes to keep himself busy.

He said: "I like to keep the place that I live in looking good for me and all of the other Residents and it feels good to be part of the team."

Joe, who has his official Maintenance Operator badge, added: "I like to keep myself active cause that's the secret of staying young."

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Norwood's Maintenance Manager Ross McKellar said: "Joe is an amazing guy and a great help to me.

"He doesn't like sitting about and he is always asking for odd jobs around the Home but his real speciality is painting.

"He never stops and sometimes I have to tell him to slow down because I run out of jobs to give him!"

Ross commended the work Joe has already done and feels that he is an inspiration at 85.

He said: "He's already painted all of the outdoor railings, brick walls, outdoor furniture and is currently doing the white lines in the car park.

"It's a huge job but he works his way through it at an impressive pace. He really is incredible."