THERE are calls to have CCTV installed at a North Glasgow park following a sexual assault. 

A petition has been launched on to have CCTV installed at Springburn Park after a woman was sexually assaulted on Monday afternoon. 

We previously reported the woman, whose age is unknown, was attacked at the park at around 4pm on Monday. 

READ MORE: Woman subjected to sex attack in Glasgow's Springburn Park as police launch investigation

Now, one local has started the petition to make "kids and adults feel a bit safer". 

A statement on the petition titled 'Get CCTV in Springburn Park so everyone is safe' read: "Hello everyone I'm doing this petition to get CCTV in Springburn Park due to the assault and sexual assault. 

"I am a survivor of a sexual attack in this exact same park and that has taken my life away and I don't want other people to suffer the same as I do so if I can help at least more people in the future by giving them CCTV footage of anything that happens in that park and hopefully it brings justice.

"As there are far too many kids that play in that park so why should our kids not feel safe enough to play in a park that's made for them, not these predators that hang around looking for their next victim. 

"All I ask is for you to sign this potion so we can finally make our kids and adults feel that bit safer."

Since the petition was launched yesterday, it has already gathered more than 300 signatures.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Around 4pm on Monday, August 22, 2022, police received a report of the sexual assault of a woman in Springburn Park, Glasgow. 

"Enquiries are ongoing to establish the circumstances." 

You can view the petition HERE.