Youths broke into a police car and made off with pieces of cops' uniforms as officers attended an incident in Glasgow.

The “embarrassing” situation took place in the Easterhouse area, which has faced problems with anti-social behaviour from young people over the summer. 

It came to light at a council meeting, which heard police have recently dealt with break-ins at Blairtummock House and Lochend High School.

Glasgow Times:

Raising the incident with a police sergeant, Councillor Ruairi Kelly, SNP, said: “I understand you even had a break into one of your own vehicles.”

North East community sergeant Gareth Wylie said: “It was rather an embarrassing incident where cops that were dealing (with an incident) left their patrol car and it was broken into. Pieces of uniform were taken.”

It was revealed as Sergeant Gareth Wylie gave an update on Friday on recent police activity to the North East Area Partnership meeting. 

It is understood the incident took place in the Easterhouse area but the exact time and location were not confirmed at the meeting. 

Describing recent investigations, Sergeant Wylie said Blairtummock House, had been “vandalised” and “broken into” with a number of youths charged. 

A children’s nursery is based at Blairtummock Park. 

Sergeant Wylie also told the Friday meeting there had been a “break-in” at Lochend High School, which was “ransacked.”

He also pointed out there was ongoing anti-social behaviour around Auchinlea Park and McDonalds. 

Describing, North East “incidents of note,” Sergeant Wylie said: “It has been around youth disorder across the summer – anti-social behaviour rather than serious incidents.”

He added: “As a community team we have been trying to engage with the kids and divert them from the anti-social behaviour, identify those involved and speak to their parents.

“In the last few weeks that has dropped probably due to kids going back to school and getting back into the routine.”

Pointing out the youths can come from “chaotic homes,” he added:

“It is not just about the police going out and charging the kids and getting them into trouble. It is about a more holistic approach to it. We are trying to firm up partner relationships and look at ways we can intervene. 

“There are conversations going on in the background and how we can look at diversionary routes.”

He said two groups of teenagers in Easterhouse were involved.  The sergeant said officers were rebuilding community links, which were impacted during the pandemic. 

Sergeant Wylie said: “We are focused on rebuilding partnership working that has suffered during the Covid years – We are reaching out to local groups, communities and trying to get local beat officers linking with third sector organisations, housing and social work to make links again and relationships.”

Police Scotland were contacted for comment.