A Still Game star has revealed that they were left pleading to board a plane after security caught them with drugs in their luggage. 

Jane McCarry, known for entertaining audiences as the lovable gossip Isa Drennan, ended up in an unlikely situation while trying to fly to London for a job before the pandemic. 

Speaking on the Glasgo podcast with Gary Dempsey, she revealed that she was stopped by airport security for having traces of cocaine in her handbag, which she had recently purchased.

Jane said: "I remember once I was going down to London. I got this job and I’d bought a bag. It was in the window of a charity shop the day before and I went ‘oh that’s really nice’. 

"I never buy anything ever, nothing designery. It was like a, you know, the wee dogs, a Radley thing. It was black, it was quite funky and I went ‘I like that’.

"Bought it for going to London, went through and as I was going through they did a check of the bag and there was coke in the bottom of the bag."

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Jane then explained that as she didn't have a receipt for the charity shop bargain purchase, she feared what would happen next as she would be unable to prove that it was not hers.

She said: "You’re not going to take something back to the charity shop. I had no proof it wasn’t my coke. Well, she [airport worker] didn’t say coke, she used the official term that came up on the thing."

The unlikely incident left Jane pleading to be allowed on the aircraft, and eventually, the situation was resolved.

She said: "I was like 'guys I need to get on this plane, honestly'.

"She did eventually let me on, it was traces of it. 

"But somebody’s obviously been using it, battered it into the charity shop and off they went."