Free school meals should be provided to all children - including in secondary school, according to a policy passed at the SNP conference.

The party’s members passed a policy that would see thousands of older children in Glasgow schools eligible for free school meals.

Norman McLeod, Glasgow SNP councillor, said: “I’ve been advocating free school meals for at least 10 years.

READ MORE: SNP wants to raise school start age to six. Do you agree?

“Universal provision of a hot, nutritious, helpful school meal as part of the educational day from three to 18. It’s simply a good idea.

“What can be more important when children are trying to learn is that they are fed."

He said when it was increased in Glasgow to primary four pupils, take up increased from 57% to 75%.

He added: “I would like us to move on to secondary schools.

“There can be nothing more important than making sure everyone amongst young people are fed as part of the school day.”

The policy states the Scottish Government should “develop plans to extend the planned increase in universal free school meal and free breakfast provision to all secondary schools".