More than 340,000 calls to NHS 24 were abandoned before the caller was able to speak to an operator in the first nine months of 2022, the Scottish Conservatives have said.

The party has called on Health Secretary, Humza Yousaf, to “get a grip” on the country’s health system after it obtained the figures through a freedom of information (FOI) request.

Almost 120,000 of the dropped calls occurred during three months in July, August and September.

July saw the longest single wait recorded for the year, with one caller waiting almost three hours to get through.

This is despite pressure on the NHS typically decreasing during the summer months.

Waiting times of two hours or more were also recorded in January, March, May, June and September.

The figures showed that, so far this year, the average time for waiting to speak to an operator stands at 19 minutes and four seconds.

In July, the average waiting time was nearly 24 minutes before a call was answered.

The figures come after the launch of a new NHS 24 call centre in Dundee, which was announced in January as a move to “help facilitate the increase in demand for the NHS 24 service”.

Sandesh Gulhane, Scottish Conservative health spokesperson, put the blame on Humza Yousaf, the Scottish Govrenment Health Secretary.

He said: “This is just another symptom of Humza Yousaf’s dire mismanagement of our NHS.

“It is shocking and deeply worrying that hundreds of thousands of Scots chose to abandon their calls to the NHS 24 helpline because it was taking them so long to speak to an operator.

“Patients are doing the right thing by calling NHS 24 for advice before attending A&E or their GP surgery.

“Yet, as it stands, Scots are waiting so long on the phone that a huge number are giving up before getting the crucial medical advice they need.”

Gulhane, a Glasgow MSP and practising GP said unless it was addressed there would be more pressure on the NHS over the winter months.

He added:”Not only is this likely to pile even more pressure on our buckling A&E departments and ambulance service, but it’s extremely dangerous for patients who may need urgent medical advice.

“Unless Humza Yousaf gets a grip on Scotland’s floundering emergency healthcare system, we will only see more and more NHS services overwhelmed this winter.”

The Scottish Government has been contacted for comment.