East Dunbartonshire Council has published details of a planning application which proposes a new care home be built in Lenzie.

The application, from real estate company Simlen Ltd, concerns a vacant plot of land adjacent to Woodilee Road.

The application notes that several pre-application meetings with council officers have already taken place.

Part of a statement provided in support of the application reads: “The site was purchased by Simlen in 2019 and was considered a suitable location for a form of assisted living.

"The site forms the last undeveloped area of the Woodilee masterplan, which was consented in 2005. This masterplan largely consisted of new build residential development, but this area was identified for possible commercial/employment use.”

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The applicant also says the application is in line with the guidelines specified in the Kirkintilloch Gateway masterplan, published last July.

The proposed three-storey building would have capacity for up to 70 residents, and plans include a parking area with around 30 spaces.

Various assessments on topics such as noise, transport and drainage have been carried out and can be viewed alongside the other documentation on the council’s website.

At time of writing no comments had been published in relation to this application.