Glasgow’s Royal Naval Reserve unit enjoyed some "Christmas cheer" in Govan last week.

On December 14, a group of 50 Reservists, family members and loved ones gathered at the unit’s Govan Headquarters, HMS Dalriada, where they held their annual carol service and prize-giving event.

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

The team took part in a Christmas sing-along, and were given mince pies and mulled wine, as well as selection boxes for kids.

Some of the Royal Naval Reservists, who had demonstrated their commitment and excellence during the past year, were recognised during the prizegiving ceremony.

AB Cai Davies picked up the award for the best Initial Naval Trainee for his particularly strong performance during final training assessments and his engagement with unit training.

Glasgow Times:

AB Connor Paul was commended for his development as a young leader, and his willingness to take on additional responsibilities. 

He was recognised as a role model among the other Junior Rates

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Sub-Lieutenant Emma Smith was awarded the Best Senior Rate/Junior Officer prize, after impressing with her willingness to accept early responsibility, as well as supporting activity across the entire region.

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Finally, the Commanding Officer’s award for Reservist of the Year went to AB Andrew Whyte. Andrew joined HMS Dalriada in July 2021.

Since joining, he has demonstrated unwavering commitment, dedication and loyalty and is a shining example of the modern Reservist.

Glasgow Times:

Commander Mike Howarth, commanding officer of HMS Dalriada, said: "I am extremely proud of the efforts and achievements of HMS Dalriada’s ship’s company and grateful for their ongoing support to the Royal Navy and defence.

"It has been an extremely busy period for the unit.

"Members of HMS Dalriada have been deployed around the globe as well as up and down the country supporting key defence operations.

"Personnel have contributed to the COVID-19 response, supported deployed ships, and assisted with COP 26 and Birmingham Commonwealth Games to name but a few instances."