Glasgow councillors have condemned the UK Government’s proposal to introduce new legislation which would ensure “basic function” during industrial action.  

The proposed bill would allow the UK government to decide statutory minimum service levels for a string of public services during strike action.

Glasgow GMB cleansing convenor Chris Mitchell urged all trade unions to join forces to oppose the bill, warning it would see Britain “plummeting into the dark ages” – and warned that attempts to push the changes through could lead to a nationwide general strike

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He said: “Attacking terms and conditions given to employees will give employers the right to rip up sick pay holiday entitlement while working longer for less pay.

“We will not accept this. We have a choice: Sit back or fight back.

“If this bill is passed there will no doubt be an attack on sick pay, holiday entitlement and you will work longer for less money. This will take Britain back to the dark ages instead of forwards.

“It will destroy working class communities along with the trade unions. We have exhausted every avenue and the only option left for us is to go on strike because we don’t seem to be getting anywhere.”

The SNP has vowed to oppose the plans, while the Greens agreed that the country would end up “with a general strike of the government’s own creation.”

SNP workforce convener Allan Casey said: “It’s clear that workers rights will continue to be at risk as long as Scotland is locked in the UK with a right wing Tory party and a weak Labour party trying to outdo them at every turn. 

“The disgraceful anti-worker attitude of the UK government is in stark contrast to the constructive role the SNP has played in recent pay disputes here in Scotland. The SNP have and will continue to support the rights of workers to take industrial action and my SNP colleagues at Westminster will oppose these plans every step of the way.”

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Councillor Dan Hutchison, Green spokesperson for fair work, added: “The Tories have decimated our economy so severely that it’s led to the highest level of industrial actions since Thatcher. 

“You’d think they’d be embarrassed but instead they’re trying to criminalise dissent – something they’d jump to condemn in any other nation. Aside from their latest attack on workers being ill thought out and anti-democratic, what they’re going to end up with is a general strike of their own creation.”

But Conservative leader Thomas Kerr said this situation would not be unique to the UK and would ensure Glaswegians had access to “vital” public services. 

Councillor Kerr said:“It is absolutely crucial that workers continue to have the right to strike. However, it is also important that the public across Glasgow do not lose access to vital public services they rely on such as our health service and in our schools.

“Legislating for a minimum level of service would not be unique to the United Kingdom. This is a bill that is already in place in many major European countries such as France, Italy and Spain.”