Glasgow does not have homes available to house the almost 1000 people currently on board a cruise ship in the city.

There are 995 Ukrainian people living on the MS Ambition ship, docked near Braehead, but the contract for the ship ends on March 31.

Susan Aitken, leader of Glasgow City Council, has confirmed to a city MSP that Glasgow does not have enough homes free to house the refugees from the war following the Russian invasion of their country.

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She told Pam Duncan-Glancy, Labour MSP for Glasgow, that it is unlikely the city will find accommodation for the people.

Councillor Aitken said, in a letter: "Given the scale of demand for accommodation and the Scottish wide nature of the Super Sponsor Scheme it is likely that Ukrainian Displaced Persons will be required to locate to other local authority areas.

Glasgow Times:

“All available practical assistance will be provided to assist these moves minimising disruption as much as possible however Glasgow will not be in a position to provide settled accommodation to all UDP currently residing on MS Ambition or those currently residing temporarily in hotels.”

She added: “I can also advise that Glasgow continues to experience a serious shortfall in available housing association properties placing further pressure on our homeless population and in this regard, it remains unlikely that those residing on the ship will secure settled housing association properties following their disembarkation from the ship on the 31 March 2023.”

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Glasgow is still however working towards finding suitable accommodation for the refugees.

Aitken added: “Glasgow HSCP staff are actively working with a number of Local Authorities to facilitate offers of move-on accommodation including offers of hosting arrangements throughout Scotland.”

Duncan-Glancy, said: “People in Glasgow and across Scotland should be proud of the way that they opened their hearts and their homes to those fleeing Ukraine in the face of Russian Aggression.  

Glasgow Times:

“Failing to find accommodation for the hundreds still on board the temporary ship accommodation would be seriously letting down Ukrainians who have come to Scotland on the promise of sanctuary – to me that involves housing as a bare minimum.”

“Now that Glasgow City Council has confirmed it just does not have the available resources to resettle the individuals that remain on board, the Scottish Government must step up, work with local authorities and ensure that not a single person leaves that ship without having a home to go to.”