A GLASGOW cab driver has said sorry after failing to admit he was convicted for a speeding offence to licensing officials. 

Zafer Orak was fined £130 and got three points on his licence in 2019 for driving at 43mph in a 30mph zone in the Rutherglen area during September 2018.

While the 43-year-old was applying for the renewal of his private hire car driver’s licence on Wednesday, police informed the licensing and regulatory committee about his record.

Chair councillor Alex Wilson, SNP, asked him why he had not mentioned the conviction during his licence renewal application or notified the licensing department about it. 

Saying he had made a “mistake”, Mr Orak said: “I apologise, I’m sorry.”

When asked why he was speeding, he said he was running late.

Councillor Wilson said: “You are a private hire driver. Regardless of whether you are late you don’t speed around the city. You could have crashed your car or caused an accident.”

He warned Mr Orak he has a “lot of things to learn” if his licence is granted. 

After leaving the room to consider the case and a number of others, councillors decided to grant Mr Orak’s licence but issued a warning about his future conduct.