A BELOVED cafe in the city’s Southside is celebrating 50 years in business as its owners vow to keep up the old-fashioned customer service values and signature sweet treats that have established it as a local institution.

The Newlands Cafe was opened by Jonny and Gemma Coia in 1973 as the couple found themselves settled in Glasgow after relocating from a small village called Filignano in Italy.

Glasgow Times:

For the past 10 years, the shop has been run by their son Giuseppe (Joe) and his wife Gianetta (Gian), a famously friendly duo who sat down with the Glasgow Times to tell us the secrets to their enduring success.

Joe explained: “I worked here when I was a teenager and after a while, it just became second nature for me.

“I’ve never known much more than doing this, it’s always felt like something automatic.

“That being said, you have to take enjoyment in what you do and have a passion for it, otherwise you wouldn’t last long.

“Interactions with customers remind you of that almost every day.

“When you hand a child an ice cream and their eyes light up you feel the excitement too.”

Glasgow Times:

Ice cream has always been the name of the game at the Kilmarnock Road site which was owned by Romolo Fusco before the Coia family took over.

Many will be familiar with the shop’s jam-packed freezer which houses an eye-popping display of freshly made flavours hailed by those who stay locally as the perfect indulgence for a sunny day.

Glasgow Times:

And whether it’s served in a cone, oyster, or sandwiched between nougat, Joe tells us that it’s the simplest of pleasures that remains a firm favourite with customers of all ages.

He said: “Trends in ice cream have changed so much in recent years, but our signature and bestseller is still our homemade vanilla.

“That’s what a lot of the older generation have been coming here for over decades now.

“And that’s all year round,” Gian agrees. "Not just in summer.”

“People will even take it away to have with their pudding at home because they know Joe makes it himself.

“Big supermarkets might have all the different flavours, but it's nowhere near as special.”

Glasgow Times:

While their selection of ice creams, filled rolls and retro-looking sweets which line the windows is enough to tempt any passer-by, the couple know all too well that part of the magic at the Newlands Cafe is taking its customers back to a time when life moved a little slower.

Joe said: “Making a connection with our customers is very important to us.

“So much of the focus nowadays is on convenience and speed.

“I mean, you could go to the shop over the road, use the self-scans, not have to talk to a single person and be on your way.

“Before there was a need for communication when you went to local businesses like the butchers or the bakers.

“Although things have moved on since the cafe opened, we’re still able to give people a feeling of how things were when they were growing up and show them that the same sort of customer service exists today.”

Glasgow Times:

Sitting within the cosy interior of the shop, which is modelled on Jonny and Gemma’s first business (The Bluebird Cafe in Govanhill) it’s easy to see why this spot has earned such a special place in the hearts of generations of Southsiders.

With a promise to carry on their roles for ‘as long as they’re physically able to', it’s a comfort to think that we’ll be able to stop by for a scoop and a chat with Joe and Gian for years to come.

Gian said: “We have people from all over who come to the shop every year when they’re visiting home.

“They stock up on sweets and always ask after Joe’s parents who are very proud of the work he does.”

Joe continued: “That’s what makes all the difference, knowing that people go out of their way to come back to the cafe.

“We aren’t having any big celebrations, but we do think it's important to acknowledge 50 years because not many businesses last that long.

“Even for the sake of mum and dad who started the cafe all those years ago.

“It’s great to know that the 99 and double nougat have stood the test of time and we want to take the opportunity to thank our customers for all of their support over the years.

“The Newlands Cafe wouldn’t exist without them, it’s as simple as that.”

For more information on the Newlands Cafe click here.