A Glasgow driver was involved in two car crashes on the same night.

Police were called to a car having struck a parked vehicle on Dunmuir Street yesterday around 11.40pm.

The driver then allegedly made off.

The car was located around midnight when officers were alerted to a one-vehicle collision on Govan Road.

There are no reported injuries.

A woman has been charged in connection with alleged road traffic offences.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Around 11.40pm on Monday, July 10, 2023, police were made aware of a car having struck a stationary vehicle on Dunmuir Street, Glasgow, which then made off.

"The car was traced a short time later around 12am, when officers were called to a report of a further one-car crash on Govan Road.

“There were no reports of any injuries and one woman was charged in connection with road traffic offences.”