A FISCAL officer lost her job after illegally trying to access information on relatives including her husband-to-be.

Kirsten Fordham, 30, was based at the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) headquarters in Glasgow's Gorbals.

The 30-year-old - a member of the High Court sexual offences team -claimed as a new employee she was trying to understand computer software.

She also stated she was told by a colleague she could look at any file except that of former First Minister Alex Salmond.

Mr Salmond was going through criminal proceedings at the time.

Fordham, of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, ended up being prosecuted by her former employers.

The first offender has now been found guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court of recklessly obtaining personal data without consent.

The charge spanned between April and May 2019.

The court heard from COPFS senior business manager Katie Woods, who told how Fordham started her job in April 2019.

Her duties included photocopying, scanning, filing and updating management systems.

Fordham's contract included not accessing case files "without a legitimate reason".

But, just weeks into the job, Fordham first checked information on her dad's driving offence in 2006.

Miss Woods stated this was not a High Court matter and caused her “concern" leading to her confronting Fordham.

The witness said: "I asked why she accessed this case and she said that he was looking up her own surname and attempting to teach herself the case management system."

Miss Woods believed Fordham was being genuine.

But, she then became aware of further multiple checks Fordham later made. 

It was discovered that she had accessed 52 cases on the COPFS system between April and May 2019.

Miss Woods said some were "potentially legitimate" relating to High Court work.

But, the witness told the trial there were others such as sheriff court summary cases and deaths accessed.

Fordham’s searches included looking up her then-boyfriend, now husband, Graham Postlethwaite. 

Miss Woods: "I asked if she knew anyone by that name and she said it was her boyfriend's name. I then deemed it as inappropriate."

Miss Woods claimed she was told by Fordham that she was trying to learn the ropes.

She added: “Her buddy and manager would teach her the system. I just don’t see how anyone would think that was okay to search in that way. I didn’t believe her explanation.”

Miss Woods stated that Fordham did various training courses that involved handling personal data.

Fordham told the court in her evidence that she was "rushed" through online learning courses during her first two days of work.

She claimed that there was "no physical training" on the computer filing system.

Fordham was asked during the trial if a colleague told her "you could look up anything as long as it was not the Alex Salmond case".

Fordham insisted she was informed that.

She was dismissed from her role in October 2020 following an investigation.

Fordham has since taken up positions as a protection administration assistant and a community care officer for East Ayrshire Council

When finding her guilty, Sheriff Michael Hanlon told her: "There has been specific training about the correct use of accessing information and training covering data protection.

"In the context of numerous accesses taking place in this case, I don't find the account given by Miss Fordham to be credible or reliable."

Danielle McAlonan, defending, will make a submission for an absolute discharge when Fordham returns to the dock later this month.

If granted, this would mean the offence would be wiped from Fordham's record.