Three new sites have been added to North Lanarkshire Council’s new build housing programme.

To contribute towards the council’s ambition to provide 5,000 new homes by 2035, an additional three locations have been designated as sites for future housing developments, all of them former school sites.

These are the sites of St Brigid’s Primary School in Newmains, where 35 homes will be constructed, with 16 homes to be built at the former Pentland School and Portland High School in Coatbridge.

Prior to having the sites officially approved,  council officers consulted with elected members and the North Lanarkshire Federation of Tenants and Residents Association, receiving no objections.

The plans were unanimously confirmed by the council’s housing committee.

The council continues to seek out new potential locations for its housebuilding programme. Each new site is subjected to a series of ground investigations, title checks and statutory consents to ensure they are suitable for new housing.

To date the council has identified locations for almost 3,000 of the 5,000 homes it intends to build over the coming decade.