A GANG boss nicknamed "The Don" who fled to Brazil has been hit with a so-called "Super Asbo".

James White was a senior member of the mob branded the "most sophisticated" in Scotland for its dealings in drugs, firearms, serious violence and dirty money.

The 45-year-old eventually took control of the cartel which forged links with other underworld figures across the globe.

This was after the disappearance of brothers James and Barry Gillespie, who had fronted the gang up until then.

A judge heard how flash White lived a life of luxury funded by his mob's criminal activities.

But, he fled Scotland when associates were arrested during the huge Operation Escalade probe into the group.

Becoming one of the UK's most wanted, he was initially snared in Italy using a fake passport in 2020.

But, police there mistakenly let him go and he escaped to South America.

Amid a large-scale manhunt, White was eventually found again by armed police in his Brazilian bolthole months later using the name Vincent McCall.

He pleaded guilty to being involved in serious and organised crime.

The charge – which spanned between May 2013 and March 2023 – listed a string of countries including the UK, Italy, Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, Russia and Brazil.

White was jailed for nine years and 10 months in August.

He appeared at the High Court in Glasgow via a video link for a serious crime prevention order hearing.

These are now often used as a means to tackle and monitor the activities of criminals once they are back on the streets.

Prosecutor John Keenan said: "There have been ongoing discussions and an agreed position has been reached for that order."

Donald Findlay KC, defending, told the hearing: "I ask that the court lends its authority to that and the matter is concluded."

Judge Lord Colbeck then granted the order.

A string of gang members have previously been jailed for a total of more than 100 years after being snared during the Escalade probe.

The serious crime prevention order imposed on White will last for a period of four years upon his release from prison.

The order includes stipulations such as White only being allowed access to one mobile phone, one computer and one landline.

White will have to report the particulars of electronic devices to police such as the make, model, serial and phone number.

He also has to inform police of usernames or identities used on social media networks.

White further has to tell officers of vehicles he owns, possesses uses or controls within 48 hours of the order coming into force.

A prohibition has been placed on White's association with 28 names individuals.

This includes convicted criminals such as murderers Christopher Hughes and Jordan Owens as well as gangster David Sell.

White has been limited to possessing no more than £5,000 in cash and he must make police aware of his assets, investments and sources of income through employment or state benefit.

White also has to inform police within seven days of travel with information relating to it such as a full itinerary and duration of stay.

White will not be able to have access to or possess firearms or counter surveillance equipment.