Bouncers could be introduced to an iconic chippy chain in Glasgow after a "despicable" spate of thefts.

It comes after a brazen 'gang' of thieves has been terrorising Blue Lagoons across the city centre, including on Gordon Street, Argyle Street and Queen Street.

Within one week, there had been three thefts with around £100 of tips, £250 of till cash and personal items, including passports and bank cards, all snatched. 

Glasgow Times: Blue Lagoon, Argyle Street, GlasgowBlue Lagoon, Argyle Street, Glasgow (Image: Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

Glasgow Times: Blue Lagoon, Gordon Street, GlasgowBlue Lagoon, Gordon Street, Glasgow (Image: Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

Glasgow Times:

Director Alessandro Varese described the phenomena as something he had never seen before.

He said: "It’s four incidents that have happened recently, three of them within a week. To target the business is one thing but to take the staff’s belongings is despicable.

“This is the first time all of this has happened to us and we have been on the go for almost 50 years.

“We have never experienced something like this."

As a result of the spike in thefts, the company is now considering the introduction of extra safety measures, including employing door staff.

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Glasgow Times: Drew MacIntyre, area managerDrew MacIntyre, area manager (Image: Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

Glasgow Times:

Drew MacIntyre, area manager, said: "We have relocated all the staff areas. They are locked away with a secure lock and key.

"We have also added additional CCTV and we are considering security personal as well.

"Obviously, we are being targeted. For the business, it's quite annoying but it can usually absorb the cost.

"But when it comes to the staff, who are working for minimum wage working shifts and getting their belongings stolen, it's very difficult.

"They are just trying to keep themselves safe."

The Glasgow Times has seen CCTV footage relating to these incidents. In them, people appear to take out cash from the till, lift items from a counter and rummage through several bags and coats.

Glasgow Times:


Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

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Mr Varese said: “It happened in three different shops, twice in Gordon Street with the tips stolen. They just pounced at a moment when the staff weren’t looking.

“The second incident was a customer coming in and claiming that they wanted to use the toilet. But instead of going to the bathroom, they went to the staff area and stole two wallets.

“After that, the second incident was on Argyle Street, and I believe this was a different person but part of the same gang.

“It was somebody hanging out in the takeaway area, asking some questions and then, when an opportunity opened, they reached over and grabbed the money and ran out of the shop.

“The person chased them but they managed to get away.

“The third incident was on Queen Street, another pretend takeaway customer asked for the toilet and accessed the staff room and went through all the employee’s belongings.

“They eventually found some tip money and left with that."

Police Scotland has confirmed that they received several reports of theft at Blue Lagoon sites and an investigation is underway.