A MECHANIC repeatedly raped a woman before carrying out a sex attack on a second victim in a supermarket car park.

Andrew Early has now been locked up for four years having been sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow.

The 22-year-old preyed on the first woman at a flat in the city's Bridgeton for more than a year - September 2018 to October 2019.

This included while this victim was initially asleep.

There were other occasions when they had been having consensual sex, but Early had then ignored her pleas to stop.

Jurors further heard that, on December 29, 2019, he tried to rape the other victim in a vehicle in the car park of an Aldi store in Rutherglen.

Early, also of the city's Bridgeton, had denied the crimes.

But, he was convicted of rape and attempted rape after a trial.

Judge William Gallacher told Early he was "selfish and self-entitled" in committing the offences.

He added: "You maintain denial. That requires the social worker (who compiled a pre-sentencing report) and I to identify that you have shown no remorse, regret or empathy.

"Your focus is on yourself rather than anyone else."

Early was further told the rape did not involve a "single or impetuous act".

The judge said: "Had you been beyond the limits of the young persons guidelines, the sentence would have been very much more significant."

He said Early would have been locked up "in the order" of five and a half to six years had he been over 25.

Early will be monitored for a further three years on his release.

He remains on the sex offenders list indefinitely.