A man has won a fight to install solar panels on the roof of an historic townhouse in Glasgow’s west end after the council refused permission.

Glasgow City Council knocked back the bid over concerns it would have a “negative impact” on the look of the B-listed building among other reasons.

But the case was taken to the Scottish Government, which decided to overturn the council’s decision and allow the applicant to install the photovoltaics at 14 Botanic Crescent.

The plans were part of a bid to reduce the home’s environmental impact and reach net zero.

Following an appeal lodged on behalf of applicant Michael Smith, the Scottish Government reporter found the panels “would not harm the listed building” and wouldn’t have an adverse impact on the Glasgow West Conservation Area.

The reporter said: “I judge that the appeal proposal provides for modest but important renewable energy generation and would not harm the listed building. The minimal loss of the listed building’s historic fabric is confined to the removal or alteration of some six roof tiles to enable the photovoltaic panels to be mounted.”

Proposals for the south-facing panels on the Victorian property included that they are to complement the colour of the existing slated roof with an all-black finish to minimise the visual impact.

But the council were not persuaded and said the bid was not in keeping with certain planning policies.

Earlier this year, the local authority judged the proposal “would fail to protect the special architectural or historic interests of the listed building.”

Reasons for the refusal also included that the “proposed solar panels would obscure the historic fabric of the building and introduce an anomalous feature in a prominent location resulting in a negative impact to the visual amenity of this B listed building and wider conservation area. ”

Agent Adrian Higson, acting on behalf of Mr Smith, pointed out the proposals are in accordance “with the vast majority of the policies both within the adopted Glasgow City Development Plan and Planning Policy”.

In an appeal statement, the agent added that any variance with the Glasgow City Development Plan is to accommodate the needs of micro generation, which means the creation of heat or power.

Mr Higson claimed the development plan doesn’t have guidance for micro generation despite Scottish guidance National Planning Framework 4 “requiring local authorities to support retrofit measures to existing developments that reduce emissions”.

The Scottish Government allowed the appeal and granted listed building consent appeal last month.