A thug who scarred a man for life after in a knife attack was jailed for 20 months.

Darren Leonard, 28, pounced on Allan McGowan in Glasgow city centre on October 16 2023.

Leonard had been out on licence when he struck Mr McGowan amid claims he had lifted a woman's handbag.

Mr McGowan trailed blood into a nearby premises where he took refuge before being taken to hospital.

He was later treated with 15 stitches and the wound will leave a permanent scar.

Leonard pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting Mr McGowan to his severe injury and permanent disfigurement.

The court heard that Leonard had 281 days left of a previous sentence when he was at the city's Hielanman's Umbrella.

Leonard got into an argument with Mr McGowan which turned into a physical altercation.

Prosecutor Emma Baker said: "Leonard reached into his pocket and produced what appeared to be a silver knife.

"He raised his arm and struck Mr McGowan to the face in a slashing motion."

A brief struggle took place between the pair before Mr McGowan left the scene trailing blood behind him.

A 999 call was made and police attended who were later able to trace Leonard to McDonald's on Argyle Street.

Mr McGowan was then taken to hospital where he was treated with 15 stitches.

Miss Baker added: "The wound will leave a scar."

Gerry Devaney, defending, told the court that Mr McGowan had picked up a woman's handbag and purse.

The lawyer added: "Mr Leonard confronted Mr McGowan about this.

"Mr Leonard felt threatened and he reacted in the manner described.

"He recognises he is facing a custodial sentence and asked me to express his remorse today."

Leonard's previous convictions include a housebreaking in 2021 when he stole a man's bingo card and earphones.

Sheriff Gerard Bonnar ordered Leonard to complete seven months of the earlier sentence before commencing his latest stint.

Leonard will also be put under supervision for six months upon his release from prison.