Glasgow people are being asked for their opinions to help shape the city’s overall building plan.

An online survey asks a number of questions about local areas including public transport, parking, maintenance and green spaces.

The information is being collected to help influence the next city development plan, which lays out where new construction should take place.

The council said: “The new plan will establish where new homes, schools, businesses and open spaces should be located. It will identify areas that need to be protected and where future investment should be directed.”

It added: “Before we begin to write a new plan, we are collecting an evidence base to establish what to plan for. An important part of that evidence base will come directly from you.”

The development plan is used as guidance when considering planning applications.

The questionnaire is open until February 1.

Among a number of questions, people were also asked to upload upload two photos of what is good or bad in their areas.

Residents are asked about whether their area feels safe, if services and facilities meet their needs and about play areas and recreation space as well as traffic.

To take part in the survey, visit: