Detectives are still searching for answers a month after a woman was murdered in her flat.

Ann Coll was found with serious injuries at her home on Rutherglen's Newfield Place at around 12.45am on Friday, December 22. 

The 61-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene and a murder investigation was launched. 

Officers have since been working to determine Ann's final movements and have been going door-to-door in the area to ask neighbours or any potential witnesses.

Glasgow Times:

Exactly one month on, the force is again calling upon the public to think back to the night of December 21 into the early hours of December 22 and come forward with any piece of information which may prove vital to the case.

As it was the festive period, the nearby bars and restaurants would have been busy. 

Detective Chief Inspector Lynsey Watters said: “We truly believe that the answer to this investigation lies within the community, even if you feel the information you hold is insignificant, we would still ask you to come and tell us. It could be the vital piece we need.

“So if you knew Ann, or witnessed anything suspicious or unusual on the evening of Thursday, December 21, into the early hours on Friday, December 22, near to Newfield Place, then please contact us.

“Please think back, this area is one of the main routes from Rutherglen to the south side of Glasgow and has several bars and restaurants nearby. It would have been busier than usual due to the time of year. Were you in the area that night?

“Our officers will continue to do everything they can to bring answers for Ann’s family and we continue to provide them with support at this very difficult time.”

Glasgow Times:

It is believed on the night of her murder, Ann returned from a walk with her dog Lola at the usual time of around 8.30pm on Thursday before speaking with family at around 9.15pm.

She was a mum to three grown children and had eight grandchildren, some of whom she had plans to spend the day with before her death.

Officers believe they are following a positive line of enquiry. 

Detective Inspector Watters added: “Our thoughts remain with Ann’s loved ones who have been left devastated by her death.

"As a family, they should have enjoyed the festive season together but instead spent it grieving a terrible loss.

“We are fully committed to tracing the person or people responsible as soon as possible and our enquiry team are following a positive line of enquiry."