A man involved in violent disorder at the Rangers title party avoided jail.

Paul Aitken, 45, struck a police shield in Glasgow's George Square on May 15 2021.

Thousands of jubilant Gers fans gathered in the city centre that day to celebrate the club's Scottish Premiership win.

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A court heard that police officers were replaced with public order officers due to the "escalating situation."

CCTV was later reviewed to identify those involved in the disturbances with officers at the north west corner of the square.

Prosecutor Alasdair Knox said: "Aitken was seen heavily involved in disorder and violence.

"He was at the front of the cordon gesticulated to public order police.

"He was seen to approach and strike a public order shield with his hand."

Aitken's image was circulated in the media and he was identified by a member of the public.

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Aitken, of the city's Castlemilk, was visited in August 2023 by police when he was arrested.

He pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to conducting himself in a disorderly manner and commit breach of the peace.

Sheriff Andrew Cubie ordered Aitken to do 200 hours of unpaid work and fined him £1,000.

The sheriff said: "I don't know what possessed you to become involved in this behaviour as a mature man with a new child having been born.

"Your behaviour was adolescent and it is difficult to comprehend from your record of work why you involved yourself in this - it is incomprehensible."

Darren Fleming, defending, earlier told the sentencing that his client had been studying in Sweden before returning when he was involved in the celebrations.

The lawyer said: "He did pull people away from the trouble but then got involved in the manner described. There has been no further offending and has Swedish residency."