Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made headlines over the weekend after announcing plans to introduce a form of national service if the Tories win the General Election on July 4. 

If voted back in, it would mean 18-year-olds across the UK would be given a choice between a full-time placement in the armed forces for 12 months or spending one weekend a month for a year volunteering in their community. 

While Sunak claimed the radical measure would help unite society in an “increasingly uncertain world," we took to the streets of Glasgow to find out what people think. 

Glasgow Times:

Ted McDaid, 19 from the city centre said: "You just can't do this type of thing now, can you? He needs gone and he will be gone, so it's fine." 

Ephraim David, 28 from the outskirts of Glasgow shared the same sentiments. 

He said: "You can't exactly force somebody to do something they don't want to do. How many folk would want their kids to be in the armed forces and with volunteering, you don't get paid for it. 

"I think this will backfire on Rishi and it will lead to people voting Labour." 

Glasgow Times:

Rosie Murray, 28 from the East End of the city said she thought the idea was "gross as hell". 

She continued: "I'm a big opposer of the military in general, I don't like the idea of you quote-unquote 'fighting for your country' but you don't get any say in what that actually looks like. 

"And for it to be something that is becoming mandatory, I think that is gross as hell. For it to be something you don't get any say whatsoever is frankly something I thought we had all outgrown as individuals." 

Glasgow Times:

Moira Morrison, 74 from Greenock, said she was opposed to the idea due to the close bond she has with her grandsons. 

She said: "I've got grandsons and I don't want to see them get taken away for issues that are no concern to them. 

"Rishi is just going a bit over the top. 

"I think this seriously should make people reconsider voting for the Tories. I think the Conservatives have had their time. 

"I don't even know who I would vote for now." 

Glasgow Times:

However, Michael Whitehouse, 65 from Alyth, could see benefits with the initiative. 

He said: "The armed forces are rather in need of recruitment now I think, what form that should take I don't know. 

"But, I do think the idea of national service will stand people in good stead with the discipline and skills learned from it. I also think the idea of those working in the community once a month has its benefits.

"But, I would need to know more about (Rishi's) plans for it, I think." 

But, Margaret Dawson, 61 from Aberdeenshire said she was "dead against the idea".

She said: "I'm absolutely shocked. I've never voted Labour before, but I will be now to keep the Tories out because I don't agree with this. 

"They should never have cut the forces down because now they're relying on young lads. 

"My own grandson is going to be doing an apprenticeship, does that mean he'll have to be taken away from it to do national service? 

"No, I'm dead against it and I think a lot of people will be too." 

National Service ended gradually in the UK from 1957. Between 1949 and 1963, more than 2 million men were conscripted to the British Army, Royal Navy or Royal Air Force.