A Glasgow man attacked his stepson after claiming he could smell cannabis in their home.

Andrzej Filipczak was in his Castlemilk home on April 1, 2024.

He had been drinking whisky all morning and was intoxicated.

Just after 2pm, a fight broke out when the 50-year-old said he could smell cannabis coming from his stepson's room.

Filipczak pushed the 20-year-old on the body. He punched him in the face, causing small bruising and a small laceration under the eye.

This was seen by the youngster's mother, who shouted for help.

The stepson escaped but Filipczak caught up with him in the living room. He pushed him on the body again, which caused him to fall onto the sofa.

Police were called and arrested the Filipczak on arrival. He was cautioned and charged.

Filipczak told cops: “That s**tbag was taking drugs in the house and I had to punch him.”

He appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court last week after he pleaded guilty to assault.

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His lawyer said: "The background is set out by the narration, in particular the comments made.

"He knows he ought not to have acted the way he did. He knows that some other manner of dealing with the issue should have been used.

"He has been in the UK since 2014. He has no previous convictions. There is a longstanding family relationship. He has been the stepfather of the complainer for his entire time in the UK and sometime before.

"His partner is here in court. He is assessed as a minimum risk. I invite my lord to defer sentence."

Sheriff Vincent Lunny imposed a three-month structural deferred sentence.