A Glasgow man was found by cops asleep in bed next to a stolen phone.

The owner of the device used a tracker to locate it and called the police.

When officers arrived, they met with the person, who activated a noise from the mobile phone.

The ringing was heard from inside a Carntyne property.

Cops entered the home and found the device ringing on the side of the bed with James Toal, 53, sleeping next to it.

He was arrested and cautioned but became hostile and tried to lash out.

He was taken to a police van outside as he screamed: "Just wait until I am out of here", "You are a f**king ugly tramp" and "Stupid cow".

Toal was taken to Cathcart police station. There, he said to one officer: "What are you doing in this country?".

This officer took the comment to be racially motivated.

Toal, of Mount Florida, was searched and a gold and black Michael Kors watch was found on him.

This and the phone were both found to be stolen.

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Toal appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court last week after he pleaded guilty to two charges of assault, reset of the phone and watch, struggling violently and behaving aggressively.

His lawyer said: "He had two letters of support. He was previously in the drug court but is now back here."

The 53-year-old was sentenced to 12 months of supervision with a condition to seek out addiction and mental health services.

He was also ordered to complete 162 hours of unpaid work.

Sheriff Mark McGuire told him: "If you breach this, chances are you are going to prison."