MSPs have voted to suspend former health secretary Michael Matheson from Holyrood for 27 sitting days.

It comes after Matheson attempted to use expenses to cover a near-£11,000 data roaming bill racked up on his parliamentary iPad during a family holiday to Morocco.

He later admitted the costs were incurred by his children, who were using the device as a hotspot to watch football.

His suspension will take effect from Thursday, after 64 MSPs voted to back the recommendations of the Standards Procedures and Public Appointments Committee today.

None voted against the move and 63 abstained.

Matheson will also see his salary stripped for 54 calendar days.

Glasgow Times:

The former health secretary has apologised following the suspension, but added that he looks forward to “continuing to represent the people of Falkirk West, as I have done for many years”.

In a statement released in the minutes after the decision, Matheson said: “I apologise and regret that this situation occurred. I acknowledge and accept the decision of Parliament.

“I also note that Parliament has called for the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body to carry out an independent review of the Parliament’s complaints process to restore integrity and confidence in the Parliament and its procedures, which I hope will be progressed.

“I look forward to continuing to represent the people of Falkirk West, as I have done for many years.”

First Minister John Swinney has said Michael Matheson should not resign as an MSP, telling journalists in Holyrood: “He made a mistake and has been given a punishment by Parliament which I accept unreservedly.

“Michael should accept that punishment and continue to serve the people that sent him here.

“Parliament has accepted this is appropriate and I accept what Parliament has said.”

Asked if he thought it was a difficult start to his party’s General Election campaign, he said: “You just have to play the ball as it lands. This wasn’t part of my campaign plan. But the issue has arisen and I have as First Minister and leader of the SNP, I have to deal with what emerges in front of me.

“I wouldn’t be the person I am if I just said ‘Ok, let’s have a flawed process. Let’s turn a blind eye. That’s not John Swinney and I’m not going to start doing that now.”

Speaking during the debate, Kate Forbes said: “Breaches like this should be proportionately sanctioned.

“Michael Matheson has paid back the roaming costs and there’s been no cost to the public purse.

“His actions have had consequences – he has lost his Cabinet position despite being one of the longest serving ministers of this Parliament.

“He’s faced considerable reputational damage and significant intrusion in his personal life.”

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross added that Michael Matheson was “deliberately and shamelessly attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of this Parliament”.

He said: “This is not a harmless mistake that some have attempted to present.

“This was a deliberate and shameless attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of this Parliament and the public.

“It is an open and shut case.”

Scottish Labour deputy leader Jackie Baillie agreed, saying: “It is the cover up rather than the original sin that is always the problem.

“And it is the contempt of his actions for Parliament, for the press and the public that I am most disappointed by.

“It is a profound error of judgment from someone who I have always had a great deal of respect for.”