A teenage boy was sexually assaulted while he sat on a train from Glasgow.

The 16-year-old boarded the service from Glasgow Queen Street to Stirling on the evening of Saturday, May 18.

A man sat next to him at around 9.30pm and attacked him.

The boy challenged the man and moved further down the carriage before leaving the train at Stirling.

Transport cops are now trying to hunt down the predator, who is described as white, in his fifties, around 5ft 8in and of a broad build.

He had short grey hair and a beard and was wearing a silver jacket with a white and green top underneath it.

He wore brown shorts and white trainers.

Anyone with information is asked to contact BTP by texting 61016, or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 13 of May 19. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.