A thug carried out a horror attack on a neighbour - then claimed to police the victim had stabbed himself.

John Leonard turned on Eamonn O'Doherty at the man's flat in Scotstoun, Glasgow on July 17, 2022.

The 52-year-old struck having become "paranoid" after taking drugs.

He accused Mr O'Doherty of being "a grass" despite him having done nothing.

Leonard pulled a knife from his trousers before repeatedly lashing out at his neighbour.

Prosecutor Gordon Lindhurst today told the High Court in Glasgow: "Eamonn O'Doherty was terrified and thought that he was going to die."

Leonard also hurled a glass table at him and smashed a TV claiming it was "listening" to them.

The attacker then got his badly hurt victim to take hold of the handle of the blade to leave his fingerprints on it.

He told Mr O'Doherty to call the police - while on the phone, Leonard yelled in the background it was him who was hurt adding: "You did this to me."

Officers turned up and Leonard spoke to them through the letterbox claiming Mr O'Doherty had "stabbed himself".

When police finally got in, Mr Lindhurst stated they found the victim "sitting on a couch covered in a significant amount of blood".

Mr O'Doherty said it was Leonard who was responsible.

Leonard then struggled with the officers kicking one on the body.

The court heard Mr O'Doherty suffered a number of wounds including a deep laceration to his neck.

Leonard - via his lawyer Phil McWilliams - pleaded guilty to a total of six charges including assaulting the victim to his severe injury, permanent disfigurement and to the danger of his life.

He had earlier failed to show for a previous hearing and appeared from custody today.

Lady Drummond adjourned the case for reports until July 4 in Dundee.