John Swinney has called for an emergency Budget after the General Election to reverse Tory cuts and boost public spending.

The First Minister said the Institute of Fiscal Studies has warned current spending plans would wipe £18bn from pubic services and has challenged the Labour Party to commit to changing course if Keir Starmer becomes Prime Minister.

Swinney said: “The Tories have trashed the economy and decimated funding for public services.
"The SNP is calling for an immediate emergency budget following the election to deliver the real change that people in Scotland want to see - more funding for the NHS, the reversal of Tory austerity cuts, and meaningful investment in economic growth, including green energy.
"Keir Starmer must say whether he will back our calls. Any delay would see a Labour Party government continue to impose Tory cuts and mean Starmer is offering no change at all.”
He said the IMF has warned separately that cuts of as much as £30billion could be coming under the current Tory economic plan.

He said a Keir Starmer Labour Government cannot delay a budget as it would continue with “Tory austerity cuts, Brexit, creeping NHS privatisation”.

Meanwhile, Starmer has promised a "decade of national renewal" for Scotland.

He is making “six promises to Scotland” ahead of the July 4 election.

It includes a pledge to deliver economic stability to keep taxes, inflation and mortgages as "low as possible", while investing in the NHS to tackle waiting times.

Starmer said: “For too long Scotland has been failed by this out of touch and incompetent Tory Government - but change is possible with Labour.

"Labour will deliver a decade of national renewal and the steps set out today are our down payment on that promise.

"From cutting bills to boosting pay to protecting the NHS, the Labour government I lead will be on your side and relentlessly focused on the issues that matter to you.”