Overwhelmingly negative responses to a proposed shakeup of schooling for young children in western Cumbernauld has led North Lanarkshire Council to shelve its plans.

The council consulted the public on a restructuring of local educational services which would have seen the closure of the current Baird Memorial Primary School, including its nursery for children with additional support needs.

The school would instead be merged with Condorrat Primary School, while a new dedicated Gaelic school would be built on the site of the current Baird memorial.

The council said that this would result in improved Gaelic language education and offer more choices to families.

However, many people disliked the proposals, with an online survey attracting 916 responses, 92 per cent of which opposed the plans.

More than two-thirds of pupils who responded to the consultation also opposed the proposals.

The most frequently expressed objection related to the condition and suitability of Condorrat Primary School to cope with an increased number of pupils.

This was raised by almost all respondents.

Other concerns included the potential disruption to learning that such a change would bring.

Schools watchdog Education Scotland said that while the plans offered some educational benefits, “there are still significant considerations for the council to take forward in presenting compelling educational benefits for all those impacted by their proposal.”

In a report to the education committee, council officers recommended that the proposals do not proceed.

This was formally approved at the committee’s most recent meeting.

The council will continue to explore the feasibility of a new Gaelic hub in Cumbernauld.