Drivers should be charged for using public roads according to the Scottish Greens.

The measure which the party says is in a bid to encourage a reduction in car use, will be included in the party’s manifesto for the General Election.

The Greens want the UK Government to work with the Scottish Government and local councils to bring forward a road charging system.

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Lorna Slater, the co-leader of the Scottish Greens, said road charging - where drivers are charged for using public roads - could be "crucial" in getting people to cut their car use.

She said it was particularly important in the big cities.

The Scottish Greens who have 11 councillors in Glasgow are standing a candidate in all six Glasgow seats, hoping to win its first Scottish MP.

Slater said the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)in Glasgow can help reduce pollution but that more measures to encourage uptake of public transport was needed.

The party insists any schemes that are introduced would need to take into account accessibility and the lack of public transport in more rural areas.

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It also wants money raised from the charges to go towards communities with the poorest public transport options.

Ms Slater said as she campaigned ahead of the election: "With our climate in chaos we badly need to be reducing the number of cars on our roads and ramping up our investment in public transport.

"Road-use charging can play a really important role in delivering that change and encouraging people out of cars.

"This is especially crucial in our busiest cities and areas that already have good existing public transport provisions."

She continued: "These kinds of schemes are already in use across Europe and around the world and can help us to tackle air pollution and road congestion, as we build cleaner, greener and safer communities.

"Low Emission Zones like the ones in place in Scottish cities are making a difference, but they are only part of the solution if we are going to cut car use.

"We support councils taking initiatives with the limited powers they have, but this is an area where all communities and levels of government need to work together for our common good."