The Greens want a wealth tax on the “super rich” to raise tens of billions of pounds a year for public services.

The party which is standing a record 4 candidates in Scotland including one in each of the six Glasgow seats, said it would impose the tax on the richest 1% in the UK.

It would affect those with assets of £4.4 million and above.

The tax rate would rise incrementally stating at 1% and rising to 5% for those worth £5.7m, then 10% for people with £18.2m.

The Greens said analysis from the University of Greenwich said it would raise  more than £70bn and potentially up to £130bn.

Lorna Slater, Scottish Greens co-leader, said: “The last few years have been really tough for millions of families across the UK. People have struggled with sky high bills, soaring costs and stagnating wages. 

“Yet, for the super wealthy things have never been better. They have continued to get richer and richer while inequality has gotten worse and worse.

 “There is more than enough money in the UK to ensure that everyone can grow up with warmth and security, but so much of it is being hoarded by a tiny number of extremely wealthy people who don’t need it.”

She said the cash would be used to help fund services like education and health.

Slater added: “By asking the people with the most to pay a little bit more, we have delivered vital funds to support our NHS and schools, and the services we all rely on. “With those services under so much pressure though we must go further, and it is right that the very wealthiest in our society are the ones to fund it.”