A teenage Pro-Palestinian demonstrator who lit a flare at a protest has been ordered to do 54 hours of unpaid work.

Abdulrahman Alsahar, 18, was caught with the pyrotechnic in Glasgow city centre on November 11 2023.

Hundreds had gathered in Buchanan Street to call for a cease fire in Gaza.

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The city’s sheriff court heard that Alsahar was involved in the protest organised by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

The fiscal depute told Glasgow Sheriff Court: “Police observed Alsahar climbing on street furniture to ignite a flare.

“He then came down and officers thereafter arrested him.”

Alsahar pleaded guilty on Friday to possession of a pyrotechnic without a reasonable excuse.

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Gerry O’Donnell, defending, told the court that his client was 17 at the time and has a previous conviction for behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

The lawyer added: “He is a young man from Syria who came over five years ago.

“He was at the demonstration which was against the ongoing was.

“He said an older man gave him and others these flares then he behaved in the manner described.”

Sheriff Janys Scott KC told Alsahar that she took his age and impulsiveness into account when sentencing him.