Around 600 Primary 7 students from 15 different Glasgow schools have recently participated in a unique educational initiative led by the University of Strathclyde.

The events took place at Barony Hall with the students partaking in a graduation ceremony where they were 'capped' and given a certificate of achievement.

The programme, aptly titled 'Young Strathclyder', is geared towards enhancing educational opportunities and attainment for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, while simultaneously encouraging greater student aspirations.

Glasgow Times:

According to the university, a total of 1,273 students from P5 to P7 participated this year, representing schools across the city including Annette Street, Bankhead, Carntyne and Cuthbertson.

The young pupils engaged in a wide array of educational activities, manned by staff from the University's four faculties: Strathclyde Business School, Science, Engineering, and Humanities & Social Sciences.

This year's curriculum included innovative activities such as developing nanopolymer bouncy balls, rewriting computer algorithms, analysing poetry to write songs, and learning how to craft an effective curriculum vitae.

Glasgow Times:

The initiatives saw the students being supported by mentors composed of Strathclyde students, several from widening access backgrounds like their young charges.

Some of these university students also worked as mentors as part of their Management Development Programme with the Strathclyde Business School.

It wasn't just Primary 7 pupils who benefited from the Young Strathclyder programme.

Eight secondary schools took part in an S2 programme, offering their students a deeper understanding of university life and focused studies in subjects they're interested in.

S5 and S6 pupils, meanwhile, will participate in the Young Strathclyder Accelerate programme later in June.

This week-long programme will allow around 350 disadvantaged pupils to centre their attention on a specific subject they may want to explore in their university studies.

The Young Strathclyder programme operates on three main stages: Primary, S2, and Accelerate - all of which align with the crucial stages in the student's educational journey to offer continuous assistance and support from the university.

Glasgow Times:

Professor Sir Jim McDonald, principal and vice-chancellor of Strathclyde who presided over one of the ceremonies, said: "At Strathclyde we are committed to being a socially progressive University that is open to all. We want to ensure those who can benefit from a university education have the opportunity to do so, regardless of where they come from or their economic means.

"As someone who was the first person in my family to go to university, I am delighted to see so many schools and young people engaging with our Young Strathclyder programme with such enthusiasm. I know the pupils, their families and teachers have found the experience inspiring."

Student mentor Lauren Rafferty, a third year Management Development Programme Business Student, said: "The Young Strathclyder programme has a very significant impact on the pupils. There has always been a stigma around university of it being only for certain people, but of course this is untrue and is open for everyone no matter the background.

"This programme informs pupils that university can be a place for them and that it can be great fun and exciting and opens many opportunities for them.

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working as a mentor for Young Strathclyder. I most enjoyed being able to share with the students my university experiences and the opportunities I have had across my five years of university.

"I loved hearing the different aspirations and interests the pupils had and just generally engaging with them getting to know them as people and connecting with them."