A woman was caught smuggling drugs into Barlinnie in a crisp packet.

Tammy White, 26, visited her then-partner at the East End prison around 5pm on November 11, 2022.

She passed through security and went to the visiting area.

Then, the Mansewood resident approached the tea bar.

There, she purchased two packets of crisps and two bottles of juice.

She opened one bottle of juice and one packet of crisps.

Her partner approached and opened one packet of crisps as well.

Security staff were alerted through CCTV that White had something in one of the bags.

They approached, looked inside and found white bags with white tablets inside.

She was taken to a holding cell, then London Road police station.

Around 10.10pm, she was interviewed and stated that her partner told her to take the drugs in.

The substance was later found to be street valium.

READ NEXT: Woman tried to smuggle cocaine into Low Moss in crisp packet

White appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court last week after she pleaded guilty to entering the jail in possession of Etizolam.

Her lawyer said: "She has significant difficulties in her life. Her primary focus is to remain offending-free.

"She was in a short-term relationship with this man.

"She is not subject to any other orders.

"She is away from that relationship and she is getting stability in her life. She has changed her address.

"She has been drug-free for 12 months. I urge you to step back from custody."

Sheriff Vincent Lunny replied: "Anyone who smuggles drugs into jail should expect a jail sentence. She was 24 at the time. It was not heroin or cocaine but it’s still drugs."

The lawyer said: "Looking back, she is ashamed. She is 26 now. She would benefit from supervision and unpaid work.

"She is engaging with other services, pressure or no pressure, she should not have done it."

Sheriff Lunny told White: "Taking drugs into a prison for someone else is a very serious matter.

"The public have a need to know that anyone who does that will go to jail. I was just persuaded that this is not appropriate here. Otherwise, you would have been going to jail.

"Then, you were only 24 and since then, you have kept yourself out of trouble. To send you back to jail now would do more harm than good, I also take account of the quantity of drugs."

White was tagged for nine months, requiring her to stay indoors between 7pm and 7am each day.