A man was sent to prison after he stole a rental car from a Glasgow shop.

Mark Neilson booked a car for hire online and went to Henry's Skoda Garage to pick it up on May 5, 2023.

There, he spoke to a staff member and all documentation was prepared.

The 40-year-old secured an online payment of £500 and took the keys and the car.

On May 9, workers at the Kyle Street auto shop received a call stating that the vehicle was in a garage. They were told a man paid cash to repair some damage to it.

Then, an employee saw an email stating that the car was abandoned and sent to another garage.

It was then taken to the National Vehicle Recovery Yard.

Neilson then called the rental place and asked for an extension on the care hire but it was rejected.

He asked once more but was again refused because another person had booked the car.

Staff members emailed the Wishaw resident telling him that the car was not returned. He said he would bring it back but did not.

Police were called.

The value of the vehicle was determined to be £26,620.

Neilson appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court after he pleaded guilty to stealing a car.

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At the hearing, Sheriff Vincent Lunny said: "I see there is an explanation given which somewhat fits with the narration. But he did not report it."

Neilson's lawyer replied: "The lesson here is that being involved with certain associates could lead to this outcome. He understands you are considering a custodial sentence.”

It was revealed that he has an outstanding matter at the High Court in Glasgow.

The sheriff asked: "What is he charged with at the High Court?"

The solicitor replied: "Attempted murder."

Sheriff Lunny stated: "In all likelihood, he will get a custodial sentence for that.

"And this is the theft of a car that he covered up. There is no point in coming back in July or August and I cannot give him a community-based sentence."

The lawyer said: "It is his associations that led him here. He needs to move on from this association and not get involved.

"It is not outright theft, you can see that it’s the position he placed himself in and the company he kept. He acted according to his peer group."

Sheriff Lunny addressed Neilson: "I am only allowed to give you a custodial sentence if there is nothing else available. However, in this case, there is nothing else available."

He was sent to prison for 18 months.