Glasgow schoolchildren celebrated their classmate after he won the Glasgow Times Euros poster competition.

Over 300 good luck posters were submitted last week after we challenged our readers to create inspiring graphics sending off the Scotland squad to Germany.

We can now reveal that the winner was chosen to be 10-year-old Mack Sabir, who we visited at Battlefield Primary.

The Southside school marked the start of Euro 2024 with a football fun day, which involved Irn Bru, popcorn and Scotland scarves.

The pupil, whose favourite play is John McGinn, is hoping Scotland will go far in the championships.

He said: "I'm very excited for the Euros, I will be watching the games with my dad.

"It's one of my favourite things to do.

"I drew the Euros trophy at the very top and I did the Scotland flag behind it.

"It says 'No Scotland No Party'.

"At the top, I did the defenders and goalies."

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(Image: Gordon Terris, Newsquest)

(Image: Gordon Terris, Newsquest)

(Image: Gordon Terris, Newsquest)

(Image: Gordon Terris, Newsquest)

(Image: Gordon Terris, Newsquest)

(Image: Gordon Terris, Newsquest)

(Image: Gordon Terris, Newsquest)

(Image: Gordon Terris, Newsquest)

Mack recently visited Hampden with the school, to watch the Scotland team's last training game right before they headed to Germany.

He was very excited when Callum McGregor and Andy Robertson waved at him.

Mack plays left wing in the school football team and wants to become a footballer when he grows up but he also likes to draw, especially cars. 

He was celebrated by his classmates, all of whom were happy to kick off Scotland's Euros run in their national team colours.