The Scottish Greens are set to propose a "super tax" in their General Election manifesto.

The document, due to be released this week, will put forward plans to introduce a £1,000-per-head private jet tax in a bid to reduce the number of private flights, as well as removing tax breaks on aviation fuel and phasing out short-haul flights.

READ NEXT: Scottish Liberal Democrats pledge to boost wages in General Election manifesto

(Image: Scottish Green Party co-leader Lorna Slater (Image from PA))

Scottish Green co-leader Lorna Slater, said: “We are in a climate emergency, with the evidence all around us. It is obscene that a small number of very wealthy people are jetting around the globe in climate wrecking private jets,” she said.

“There is absolutely no justification for something so needless and destructive, not when the stakes are so high and the consequences are so severe.

“By introducing a super tax on these flights we can cut the number of jets in our sky and ensure that those who are polluting our planet are paying for the damage they are doing.”

It comes after First Minister John Swinney said the SNP will include a social tariff on energy, broadband and mobile bills in its manifesto - which launches on Wednesday. 

The proposal will see those on low incomes, with disabilities and the elderly pay less on their bills, with the party suggesting they be cut in half.

Meanwhile, Scottish Labour’s manifesto, due to be published today, will focus on young people.

The document will include proposals to increase the living wage for what the party estimates would be 200,000 people – up to 40,000 of whom are aged between 18 and 20, the party believes – in Scotland.

The manifesto will also include the mortgage guarantee scheme for first-time buyers, support for creative industries and banning zero-hours contracts announced by Sir Keir Starmer last week.

The party will pledge to “look after young people from cradle to career”.

Reform to apprenticeships, improving standards in education and boosting the use of technology in the NHS will also be on the cards if Labour takes the keys to Bute House.

READ NEXT: SNP to include social tariff on energy and broadband in General Election manifesto

Mr Sarwar said: “Labour will look after young people from cradle to career.

“No matter a child’s background, they should leave education equipped with the skills they need for work and life.

“Labour will spread opportunity at every age, because every child should believe that success belongs to them.

“Under the Tories, thousands are stuck in poverty pay and, under the SNP, youth unemployment has risen, and opportunities have been taken away.

“I promise the young people of Scotland that this is not as good as it gets.”

The Scottish Liberal Democrats launched its manifesto on Monday, which included plans to introduce a carer’s minimum wage with a £2 an hour boost, as well as fast-tracking access to mental health counsellors in schools.

The party also said that an additional £1b in capital funding would come to Scotland through Barnett consequential which could be used to tackle the housing emergency and local health facilities across the country.