A MAN guilty of a 25-year campaign of physical and sexual abuse has been jailed for eight years.

Robert McGeachy preyed on seven victims including the rapes of a teenager and a woman.

The 63-year-old was convicted of a total of 17 charges following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

The crimes occurred between 1978 and 2003 at various addresses in the city, including in the East End and Southside. 

McGeachy - who denied the accusations - returned to the dock today.

Judge John McCormick said he had listened to "compelling evidence" given by those who had suffered at McGeachy's hands.

He added: "The charges represent a catalogue of sexual and violent offending."

The first victim was a young child who McGeachy, of the city's Cardonald, sexually abused.

He then preyed on another youngster before raping a teenager.

One attack saw McGeachy force a cloth into her mouth and tie her hands behind her back.

McGeachy later raped a woman and also pressed a knife to her throat.

He went on to be repeatedly violent to another woman which saw her choked, headbutted and a finger gouged into her eye.

McGeachy also punched her, bit her ear and held her over a bath.

A young child was then belted with a slipper, punched and hit on the head.

He finally slapped another child on their body as well as hit them with a slipper.

McGeachy was also today put on the sex offenders list indefinitely.