The Scottish Labour Party have vowed to ensure the NHS is secure for “generations to come” as they launched their General Election manifesto today. 

The 135-page document largely echoes the proposals laid out in the UK-wide Labour manifesto published last week, but Anas Sarwar has also committed to some additional measures, should the party win the keys to Bute House.

It comes as Mr Sarwar described change in Scotland as a “two-stage process” - also looking to 2026, when Scots will next go to the polls in a Holyrood election.

(Image: Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar speaking during the party's General Election manifesto launch. Im)

The manifesto vows to ensure the NHS is secure for “generations to come” and says that Scottish Labour will improve policing, reform the planning system, ban second jobs for MSPs, and reduce the poverty-related attainment gap in education if it forms the government in 2026.

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It comes after Scottish Labour said yesterday that the document draws mention to the mortgage guarantee scheme for first-time buyers, support for creative industries and banning zero-hours contracts. 

The party also pledged to “look after young people from cradle to career”.

(Image: Images from PA, Jane Barlow)

Mr Sarwar said: “The manifesto we have published today of course reflects much of what the UK Labour manifesto outlined last week, demonstrating what a UK Labour government will deliver in office.

“But we know change for Scotland is a two-stage process, it begins in just 17 days when we can finally get rid of this lying, corrupt, incompetent Tory Government – but that is just the start.

“The SNP has failed the people of Scotland – breaking our NHS, ruining our once world-leading education system, and tarnishing our politics by wasting and misusing your money.”

Mr Sarwar went on to pledge that a Labour government will unlock Scotland's "extraordinary" potential. 

He said: “I know that Scotland has extraordinary potential just waiting to be unlocked – Labour will unlock that true potential.

“We have worked tirelessly so that our party is ready to serve you again. Our country is crying out for change."

(Image: Images from PA, Jane Barlow)

Following his speech, Mr Sarwar was repeatedly questioned about the two-child benefit cap – which limits the number of children families can claim benefits for.

Labour has said it will not be able to scrap the measure due to a lack of funding, but it has come under pressure from opposition parties and campaigners.

Asked by a journalist if he is against the cap, Mr Sarwar said: “The short answer is yes.

“We were right to oppose the two-child limit, we were right to vote against the two-child limit.”

READ NEXT: Scottish Liberal Democrats reveal General Election manifesto

The Scottish Liberal Democrats pledged to boost carer’s wages as as they launched their  Election manifesto yesterday. The document included plans to introduce a carer’s minimum wage with a £2 an hour boost, as well as fast-tracking access to mental health counsellors in schools.

The party also said that an additional £1b in capital funding would come to Scotland through Barnett consequential which could be used to tackle the housing emergency and local health facilities across the country. 

Meanwhile, the Scottish Greens have said today that their manifesto, due to be released this week, will put forward plans to introduce a £1,000-per-head private jet tax, while John Swinney said the SNP will include a social tariff on energy, broadband and mobile bills in its manifesto - which launches on Wednesday.