A man played loud music from his home and hurled a sectarian slur late at night.

Craig Abbott, 41, made the vile comment from his home in Glasgow's Castlemilk on September 18, 2023.

The city's Sheriff Court heard that a neighbour heard "loud music and loud singing" coming from Abbott's property at 10.15pm.

Prosecutor Jeremy O'Neill said: "After a short while, the witness could hear Abbott shouting 'dirty fenian f***ers'."

Police were contacted and they attended Abbott's home to arrest him.

Abbott pleaded guilty today to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner aggravated by religious prejudice.

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His lawyer Matthew Berlow told the court that his client is currently on a community payback order.

Sheriff Collette Gallagher said: "This type of behaviour will not happen again.

"You will know how dangerous sectarian comments and uttering offensive remarks can be, uttering hatred.

"This is a community you do not want to live in."

Sentence was deferred for an update on Abbott's current community payback order until next month.