A former NHS care home worker’s bid to become a private hire car driver has been rejected by the city council because of over-provision rules. 

Dawit Tsigab, 54, appeared before the licensing committee this morning to ask for a private hire car licence to be granted to him for a period of three years. 

Mr Tsigab advised the committee that he had previously been employed in a care home but because of an injury he sustained in his left shoulder he was no longer fit to work there. 

He explained: “I was working in a care home for 20 years with the NHS but then I hurt my shoulder.

“About three or four months ago I went to the GP and I was given an injection but I am still in pain. 

“I am a hard worker but I cannot work at the care home for more than two days a week as I cannot lift heavy objects with my left arm – that is why I applied for this licence.

“I need to be able to provide for my family and if you give me this “plate” I can work when I am well. I need to be able to work. If I am not working I am just resting at home.

“I was working 12-hour shifts at the care home so I am used to long hours.”

READ NEXT: Further 37 people have private hire applications refused

Following the submission, chairperson and councillor Sean Ferguson said he was sympathetic to Mr Tsigab’s situation. 

He said: “I am sorry to hear about your health and to hear of the injuries you have sustained at work. I do sympathise with you.”

Following a short recess, it was decided by the committee to refuse the application on the grounds that there is an over-provision of private hire car services operating in Glasgow.