A man was caught with £167,000 of drugs and dirty money in an organised crime raid.

Connor Murray, 31, was snared at his home in Glasgow's Tollcross on December 1, 2023. Police forced entry to the property after a warrant had been granted.

Murray and his partner were located inside and the property was searched.

Prosecutor James Irvine told the High Court in Glasgow: "Items were on open display and were seized from the kitchen, living room and bedroom."

A total of £89,380 of diamorphine and adulterant was recovered.

A further £53,546 of cocaine and £5,040 of cannabis was found.

Mr Irvine added: "Cash totalling £19,180 was split into 10 separate bags.

"The total recovered potential realisation of the drugs was £147,966."

Murray's phone was seized and there were messages on it from October 2023 which showed him offering to sell cocaine as well as cannabis.

Mr Irvine said: "Murray accepts the offences were aggravated by the connection with serious organised crime."

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He was arrested and stated to officers that he admitted ownership of the drugs but was holding them for others who he did not name.

Murray pleaded guilty today to three charges of being concerned in the supply of controlled drugs.

He also admitted concealing £19,180 of criminal property.

It was revealed that Murray has 15 previous convictions.

Allan Macleod, defending, told the court: "What Mr Murray was saying, as his girlfriend was also in the flat, that these were his responsibility, albeit he was holding for others.

"He accepts he was involved in drug dealing over the period libelled.

"I will explain why he was involved in the next hearing."

Sentence was deferred pending background reports until next month by Judge Lord Colbeck who continued Murray's remand in custody.