Five warships from allied nations have arrived in Glasgow ahead of a NATO exercise in Scottish waters. 

Ships from Estonia, France, Germany, and Ukraine will spend time at Glasgow’s King George V Docks before sailing to participate in Exercise Sea Breeze.

The exercise, which is jointly led by the United States and Ukraine, will provide nations with the opportunity to practice working together with their closest allies and partners.

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(Image: Images supplied to Glasgow Times)

(Image: Images supplied to Glasgow Times)

Over the next two weeks, partner nations will refine tactics, techniques, and procedures, with the focus being on mine countermeasures operations. Most of the activity will take place in the vicinity of Arran, Campbeltown, and the Northern Minches between June 24 and July 5.

Personnel from Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Japan, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Ukraine, United States, and the United Kingdom will also participate in the NATO exercise.

(Image: Images supplied to Glasgow Times)

The two Ukrainian ships are former Royal Navy vessels, previously named Shoreham, and Grimsby, and were transferred to the Ukrainian navy in 2023. Now named Cherkasy and Chernihiv they are currently stationed at HM Naval Base Portsmouth. 

The vessels will eventually operate in the Black Sea, clearing mines from vital sea lanes and safeguarding the economic and food security of the country.  

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The UK has been committed to supporting Ukraine since the illegal invasion in 2022. As one of the largest military donors, the UK has demonstrated its commitment through substantial military support, so far providing more than £7.6 billion to supporting the armed forces of Ukraine.