A new body to help protect Glasgow’s historic buildings has been set up by the council - with a £1.7m starter fund. 

The Built Heritage Commission, which is the first of its type in the UK, aims to find solutions to the “evolving and complex challenges” facing the city’s historic environment as well as celebrating successes.

It plans to give advice to the council and other partners on trying to find future uses for heritage property, the local authority’s own historical buildings as well as funding and other matters.

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(Image: Image: Newsquest)

SNP councillor Ruairi Kelly said: “The range of issues impacting and influencing the built heritage of the city are dynamic and as such this new forum should create a positive, ongoing and collaborative vehicle for the sustainable future management of the built heritage of Glasgow.”

The convenor for neighbourhood services and assets added: “The Built Heritage Commission will assist in prioritising, focusing and and coordinating efforts required to achieve the best outcomes for the city’s historic environment whilst acknowledging that the need for difficult decisions and challenges in finding viable and suitable end uses for historic buildings in the current financial and environmental climates are quite extensive.”

The commission was approved at this week's city administration committee.

Speaking at the meeting, Scottish Greens councillor Jon Molyneux said one of the big issues is there is a “limit” to what the council can do due to powers and resources.

He said it is “important” the commission can influence Holyrood and the UK Government and asked how support can be maximised.

Councillor Kelly said a main task and benefit of the commission is to act as a lobby group and communicate with governments about what needs to change.

He pointed out how it could bring interested parties together to speak as one voice and set targets and make requests of governments.

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Councillors from every Glasgow party will be represented on the commission alongside council officials, stakeholders and funders, local heritage charities and, statutory bodies including Historic Environment Scotland and representatives from community groups.

It is expected Glasgow City Heritage Trust and Glasgow Building Preservation Trust will be key partners within the commission according to a council paper.

Giving more details, the paper said the commission “will meet three times a year, as well as hosting an annual event such as topic based panel discussions, site visits, workshops, talks or seminars.”

It is also to produce reports on issues and will give an annual update to the Economy, Housing, Transport and Regeneration City Policy Committee.