A supermarket giant is looking to open new stores in Glasgow - and one area is a 'priority'.

Aldi is on the hunt for the best locations in the city to open shops as part of its rapid expansion drive.  

Last month, they called on the nation to get in touch to highlight where in Britain needed new Aldi stores most and received more than 4,000 requests.

The place they are currently considering as a priority is Cathcart in the Southside.

READ MORE: REVEALED: Plans to open FOUR new supermarkets in Glasgow

We previously reported the firm was planning to open locations in Cathcart as well as Springburn, Glasgow Fort and Clarkston. 

Jonathan Neale, managing director of National Real Estate at Aldi UK, said: “We want to make high-quality food accessible to all, but we can’t do that while there are still some towns and areas that either don’t have an Aldi or have capacity for additional stores.  

“We recognise there is huge demand in certain regions for more stores, which is why we decided to get the public’s input on our latest list of priority locations.

"They have helped us identify where demand is greatest, and we will continue to work to bring Aldi to as many people as possible.” 

READ MORE: Aldi seeks input on locations for new stores in Glasgow

Each site should be able to accommodate a 20,000 sq ft store with around 100 parking spaces. Ideally the location will be near a main road with good visibility and access. 

The supermarket says it is also on the lookout for sites to accommodate its Aldi Local store format inside the M25, which are around 5,000 sq ft in size.

Anybody who has a site that may fit Aldi’s requirements should contact realestateacquisitions@aldi.co.uk.