Pupils at Glasgow's Glendale Gaelic School have raised more than £1,000 for a children’s mental health charity.

The pupils demonstrated impressive dedication by running 5km to raise money for Quarriers, a charity that offers mental health support to primary and secondary schools across Glasgow.

The students' effort amounted to £1,068.36 raised by running around Maxwell Park.

The pupils had previously taken the time to research several local charities for their cause.

The funds generated will be directed towards supporting Quarriers' Let’s Talk Service which focuses on giving mental health support in schools across Glasgow.

The money is earmarked for transition activities that will help children during the summer.

The P6 class teacher, Mrs Walker, said: "I’m really proud of them all.

"We integrated the training into our PE classes, and they have all made a huge effort.

"We linked the activity with learning about physical wellbeing, they learned about the history of Quarriers, and the range of services that Quarriers offers including Scotland’s only residential epilepsy hospital.

"We talked about why it’s important to support charities and I think it was also really humbling for the children to find out that many children are not as fortunate as they are."

Quarriers' School Services depute manager Aileen McColligan said: "Support can be offered to children individually, in small groups or to the whole class.

"Lunchtime drop-in sessions can be provided to offer those children who find the playground difficult, a quiet place to go.

"Staff become embedded members of the school community and can adapt the support they offer to address the needs of the school community.

"Children benefit from having a consistent nurturing adult in the school that they can go to for support."

The charity also provides an activity resource pack for teachers who want to foster resilience in children to help tackle mental health issues.