A rapist who went with his victim to a police station to confess what he had done was jailed on Monday for nine years.

Beni Mubiala had sex with the woman, who repeatedly told him "no".

The 27-year-old later claimed he was "prepared to face the consequences" for the attack at his flat in Glasgow's Townhead on July 3 2021.

But, despite then appearing in the dock, Mubiala went on to violently rape a student in April 2022.

The first offender admitted to the crimes at a hearing at the High Court in Glasgow.

Judge Kevin McCallum KC imposed a nine-year extended sentence on Mubiala, nine of which will be behind bars.

He will be subjected to supervision for two years upon his release from prison.

READ NEXT: Man went with victim to Glasgow police station to confess he raped her

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We previously reported that the court heard Mubiala and the first victim kept in touch on social media.

They then met on the night of the attack and went to his home.

There was later consensual sexual activity - but the woman had earlier been insistent she did not want full intercourse.

The court heard, however, that Mubiala went on to rape her.

Prosecutor John Keenan KC stated: "She said 'no' to him a few times, but he did not stop.

"She was in no doubt that he could hear her."

The advocate depute added the woman was left "upset, confused and anxious".

She sent him a message the next day insisting what he had done was "rapist behaviour".

Mr Keenan said: "He replied by saying he knew it was and that he had got caught up in the moment."

A week later, the woman wrote a letter for him explaining how she felt.

Mr Keenan said: "He said he was prepared to face the consequences for his actions. They agreed that they would go to the police together on July 23 2021."

The woman stated they were there to "report a sexual assault" and Mubiala confirmed that.

Mubiala told police there had been "agreed parameters" to sexual activity between him and the woman.

He admitted she had not consented to what he had then done.

Mubiala went on to appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court days later and was bailed.

But, on April 20 2022, he struck again at student halls in the city's Dobbie's Loan.

Mubiala had ended up back there with a young woman and they initially had consensual sex.

She then said he was being "rough" and he stopped.

This victim turned away from and wanted to go to sleep.

However, Mr Keenan said Mubiala went on to "forcefully" pull her onto her back and he raped her.

The prosecutor said: "She did not say anything and did not reciprocate in any way. She was scared of how he might react."

Violent Mubiala continued the attack and began choking the young woman.

Mr Keenan said: "She was gasping for air. He released his grip and slapped her on the face. She was frightened."

When he finally stopped, the victim pulled on jogging bottoms, raced out the room and sent a photo of herself to a friend in tears.

She later reported to police what had happened a fortnight later.

Mubiala had been due to stand trial, but - via his KC Paul Nelson - pleaded guilty to the two rape charges.

Judge McCallum told Mubiala: “In terms of the Victim Impact Statements that I have seen, it is clear that your actions have had a significant, adverse effect on both women.”

He also noted that in a pre-sentencing report Mubiala appeared to deny carrying out the first attack - despite his guilty plea.